Results for 'Nicholas of Autrecourt'

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  1. The Universal Treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt.Nicholas of Autrecourt - 1971
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt’s Quaestio de intensione visionis Revisited: The scola Oxoniensis and Parisian Masters on Limit Decision Problems.Gustavo Fernández Walker - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):152-169.
    Previously, the author tried to show that some arguments in one of the two versions of Nicholas of Autrecourt’s Quaestio de intensione visionis are taken almost verbatim from the anonymous Tractatus de sex inconvenientibus. This paper concentrates on the arguments themselves in order to consider two main issues: the ‘translatability’ of limit decision problems, manifest in Autrecourt’s juxtaposition of questions de maximo et minimo, de primo et ultimo instanti, and the intension and remission of forms; the importance (...)
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt.Mauricio Beuchot - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 458–465.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Critical and skeptical environment Nominalism and skepticism Varieties of nominalism Principles Critique of the principle of causality Anthropology and ethics Conclusion.
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt: His Correspondence with Master Giles and Bernard of Arezzo: A Critical Edition From the Two Parisian Manuscripts with an Introduction, English Translation, Explanatory Notes and Indexes.L. M. De Rijk (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Brill.
    This volume not only provides the first critical edition with an English translation of the famous correspondence of Nicholas of Autrecourt , but also an assessment of his views and the views of those to whom the letters were addressed.
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt, Buridan and Ockhamism.T. Kermit Scott - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (1):15-41.
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt and William of Ockham on Atomism, Nominalism, and the Ontology of Motion.Blake D. Dutton - 1996 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 5 (1):63-85.
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    Nicholas of autrecourt.Hans Thijssen - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt, His Correspondence with Master Giles and Bernard of Arezzo. A Critical Edition from the Two Parisian Manuscripts, with an Introduction, Explanatory Notes and Indexes by LM de Rijk (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 42).Jacques Follon - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (4):637-638.
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    Nicholas of autrecourt's skepticism: The ambivalence of medieval epistemology.Christophe Grellard - 2010 - In Henrik Lagerlund (ed.), Rethinking the history of skepticism: the missing medieval background. Boston: Brill. pp. 103--119.
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    On Nicholas of Autrecourt and the Law of Non-Contradiction.Leo Groarke - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (1):129-134.
    According to the standard account of Nicholas' views,his scepticism is constrained by his commitment to the law of non-contradiction as a basis for certain truth. Such an account fails to distinguish the views found in the "Leters to Bernard" and the "Exigit Ordo" the latter clear rejects the law of non-contradiction and propounds a full fledged scepticism.
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  11.  22
    Nicholas of Autrecourt.Christophe Grellard - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 876--878.
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    (1 other version)Nicholas of Autrecourt.J. Reginald O'Donnell - 1939 - Mediaeval Studies 1 (1):179-280.
  13. Nicholas of Autrecourt.G. Graham White - 1997 - In Thomas Mautner (ed.), The Penguin dictionary of philosophy. New York: Penguin Books.
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt. His Correspondence with Master Giles and Bernard of Arezzo: A Critical Essay and English Translation by L. M. de Rijk (review). [REVIEW]Girard J. Etzkorn - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):367-370.
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    Ockham, Buridan, and Nicholas of Autrecourt.Ernest A. Moody - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (2):113-146.
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    XIV*—The Logical Empiricism of Nicholas of Autrecourt.F. C. Copleston - 1974 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 74 (1):249-262.
    F. C. Copleston; XIV*—The Logical Empiricism of Nicholas of Autrecourt, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 74, Issue 1, 1 June 1974, Pages 249–262.
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  17. The universal treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt.Leonard A. Nicolaus, Richard E. Kennedy, Arthur E. Arnold & Millward - 1971 - Milwaukee,: Marquette University Press.
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    The Fifth Letter of Nicholas of Autrecourt to Bernard of Arezzo.Julius R. Weinberg - 1942 - Journal of the History of Ideas 3 (2):220.
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    The philosophy of Nicholas of Autrecourt and his appraisal of Aristotle.J. Reginald O'Donnell - 1942 - Mediaeval Studies 4 (1):97-125.
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    Apparentia in the thought of Nicholas of Autrecourt: Intentionality, intersubjectivity, and probabilism in the status of mental being.Amalia Salvestrini - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (6):953-972.
    Volume 30, Issue 6, December 2022, Page 953-972.
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  21. (1 other version)Scepticism, demonstration and the infinite regress argument (nicholas of autrecourt and John buridan).Christophe Grellard - 2007 - Vivarium 45 (s 2-3):328-342.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the medieval posterity of the Aristotelian and Pyrrhonian treatments of the infinite regress argument. We show that there are some possible Pyrrhonian elements in Autrecourt's epistemology when he argues that the truth of our principles is merely hypothetical. By contrast, Buridan's criticisms of Autrecourt rely heavily on Aristotelian material. Both exemplify a use of scepticism.
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    The Universal Treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt[REVIEW]F. W. J. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):168-169.
    No. 20 in the Marquette series "Mediaecal [[sic]] Philosophical Texts in Translation," this translation is based on J. R. O’Donnell’s edition of the only extant manuscript of the Universal Treatise, and is preceded by a helpful introduction of 28 pp. plus a selected bibliography. An English version of this work should be welcomed by scholars not versed in Latin who are nonetheless interested in Nicholas’ thought, whether because of his highly critical reactions to Aristotle and Averroes or because of (...)
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    Comments on the eternity of things in Nicholas of Autrecourt.Jeferson da Costa Valadares - 2014 - Synesis 6 (2):49-65.
    Resumo : O presente artigo visa mostrar e analisar como se constituem alguns dos argumentos sobre a eternidade das coisas no tratado primeiro, capítulo De aeternitate rerum do Exigit ordo, de Nicolau de Autrécourt. Como o próprio título do capítulo diz, trata-se de um conjunto de argumentos que buscam justificar a eternidade das coisas. A estratégia utilizada por nós é reconstruir e mostrar como se constituem e se organizam tais argumentos sobre a eternidade das coisas, elucidando o postulado autrecuriano de (...)
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    The Problem of Causal Inference in the Empirical World of Nicholas of Autrecourt.Tina Stiefel - 1992 - History of Science 30 (3):295-309.
  25. L. A. Kennedy, R. E. Arnold, A. E. Millward, "The Universal Treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt". [REVIEW]T. K. Scott - 1972 - The Thomist 36 (4):703.
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  26. George Arabatzis,'Paideia'and 'Episteme'in Michael of Ephesus. In De part. anim. I, 1, 3–2, 10 (Athens: Academy of Athens, Research Center on Greek Philosophy, 2006). 340 pp. ISBN 960-404-092-8.[in Greek, with English summary]. Adriano Oliva, Les Débuts de l'enseignement de Thomas d'Aquin et sa conception de la 'Sacra Doctrina', avec l'édition du prologue de son commentaire des Sentences (Paris: Vrin, 2006). [REVIEW]Joël Biard, Nicholas D.’Autrécourt & Gautier Burley - 2007 - Vivarium 45:128-130.
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    Nikolaus von Autrecourt über das erste Prinzip und die Gewißheit von Sätzen.Andrej Krause - 2009 - Vivarium 47 (4):407-420.
    Nicholas of Autrecourt maintains in his second letter to Bernard of Arezzo that with the exception of the certitude of faith, there is no other certitude but the certitude of the law of non-contradiction, or the one that can be resolved to this law. The article examines this statement, which implies that natural theology is not possible. It comes to the conclusion that, in general, Nicholas in his letter seems to identify the relation "…can be resolved…" between (...)
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    Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d'Autrecourt (review).Dallas G. Denery Ii - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):119-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d’AutrécourtDallas G. Denery IIChristophe Grellard. Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d’Autrécourt. Paris: J. Vrin, 2005. Pp. 313. Paper, €38,00.Nicholas of Autrecourt has often seemed to be one of those philosophers doomed to be best known for everything but their own ideas. Famously, if inaccurately, dubbed "the Medieval Hume" by one of (...)
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    Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d'Autrecourt (review).Dallas George Denery - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):119-120.
    Dallas G. Denery - Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d'Autrecourt - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.1 119-120 Christophe Grellard. Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d'Autrécourt. Paris: J. Vrin, 2005. Pp. 313. Paper, €38,00. Nicholas of Autrecourt has often seemed to be one of those philosophers doomed to be best known for everything but their own ideas. Famously, if inaccurately, (...)
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  30. Complete philosophical and theological treatises of Nicholas of cusa.Nicholas of Cusa - unknown
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    De visione divinae essentiae by Nicholas of Lyra.Nicholas of Lyra - 2005 - Franciscan Studies 63 (1):331-407.
  32. John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master (review).Joshua P. Hochschild - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):219-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 219-220 [Access article in PDF] Jack Zupko. John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2003. Pp. xix + 446. Cloth, $70.00. Paper, $40.00. What does the name "John Buridan" call to mind? For many, including medievalists, not much at all—at best, perhaps, a set of apparently unrelated ideas: nominalism; an impetus theory of (...)
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    Quantified Modal Relevant Logics.Nicholas Ferenz - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):210-240.
    Here, I combine the semantics of Mares and Goldblatt [20] and Seki [29, 30] to develop a semantics for quantified modal relevant logics extending ${\bf B}$. The combination requires demonstrating that the Mares–Goldblatt approach is apt for quantified extensions of ${\bf B}$ and other relevant logics, but no significant bridging principles are needed. The result is a single semantic approach for quantified modal relevant logics. Within this framework, I discuss the requirements a quantified modal relevant logic must satisfy to be (...)
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    The gaze.Nicholas Of Cusa - 1987 - Diacritics 17 (3):2-38.
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    Civic nationalism: Oxymoron?Nicholas Xenos - 1996 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 10 (2):213-231.
    Recent attempts to distinguish a normatively acceptable “civic nationalism"—as distinct from an irrationally tainted “ethnic nationalism"—have failed to take seriously the implications of the transition from the city as the immediate spatial unit of the patria to the more abstract national state that replaced it. The nation‐state has required a mythologizing naturalism to legitimate it, thus blurring the distinction between “civic” and “ethnic.” The urban political experience of the patria is lost to us; cosmopolitan intellectuals should resist the comforting temptation (...)
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    The Continuous, the Discrete and the Infinitesimal in Philosophy and Mathematics.John L. Bell - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores and articulates the concepts of the continuous and the infinitesimal from two points of view: the philosophical and the mathematical. The first section covers the history of these ideas in philosophy. Chapter one, entitled ‘The continuous and the discrete in Ancient Greece, the Orient and the European Middle Ages,’ reviews the work of Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and other Ancient Greeks; the elements of early Chinese, Indian and Islamic thought; and early Europeans including Henry of Harclay, Nicholas (...)
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    Methodological pragmatism: a systems-theoretic approach to the theory of knowledge.Nicholas Rescher - 1977 - Oxford: Blackwell.
  38. On collective intentions: collective action in economics and philosophy.Nicholas Bardsley - 2007 - Synthese 157 (2):141-159.
    Philosophers and economists write about collective action from distinct but related points of view. This paper aims to bridge these perspectives. Economists have been concerned with rationality in a strategic context. There, problems posed by “coordination games” seem to point to a form of rational action, “team thinking,” which is not individualistic. Philosophers’ analyses of collective intention, however, sometimes reduce collective action to a set of individually instrumental actions. They do not, therefore, capture the first person plural perspective characteristic of (...)
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    SILENCING AND SPEAKER VULNERABILITY: undoing an oppressive form of (wilful) ignorance.Nicholas Bunnin & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1):36-45.
    The French feminist philosopher Michèle Le Doeuff has taught us something about “the collectivity,” which she discovers in women’s struggle for access to the philosophical, but also about “the unknown” and “the unthought.” It is the unthought which will matter most to what I intend to say today about a fundamental ignorance on which speaker vulnerability is built. On International Women’s Day, it seems appropriate to speak about – or, at least, to evoke – the silencing which has been imposed (...)
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  40. Postmodern doubt and philosophy of education.Nicholas Burbules - 1995 - Philosophy of Education 36.
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    Cognitive systematization: a systems-theoretic approach to a coherentist theory of knowledge.Nicholas Rescher - 1979 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
  42. On Sportsmanship and “Running Up the Score”.Nicholas Dixon - 1992 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 19 (1):1-13.
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    Philosophical Reflections on Editing.Nicholas C. Burbules - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (4):317-331.
    In this essay Nicholas C. Burbules reviews his experiences and the lessons he learned as editor of Educational Theory for more than twenty years, and he explores some of the normative choices that are inevitably made by any editor in carrying out his or her role. Burbules examines the relationship of a journal to its intellectual field; the review process; communications and interactions with authors; the process of editing and revising manuscripts; questions of representativeness in a theoretically pluralistic field; (...)
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    Reply to Kevin Carnahan and Erik A. Anderson.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2):429-435.
    In my response to Kevin Carnahan, I explain the concept of religion that I have been working with in my writings on the place of religious reasons in public political discourse. While acknowledging that religion is often privatized, my concern has been with religion as a way of life. It is religion so understood that raises the most serious issues concerning the role of religion in public discourse. In my response to Erik A. Anderson, I go beyond what I have (...)
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    Response to My Commentators.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 2010 - Studies in Christian Ethics 23 (2):197-204.
    This article is a response to the commentaries on my book Justice: Rights and Wrongs in the previous contributions in this issue of Studies in Christian Ethics (23.2).
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    Rorty, Performance-Enhancing Drugs, and Change in Sport.Nicholas Dixon - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (1):78-88.
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    The British Moralists and the Internal 'Ought': 1640-1740.Nicholas L. Sturgeon - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (5):266.
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    Rodowód nauki nowożytnej.Elżbieta Jung-Palczewska - 1998 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 12:29-47.
    The main characteristic of modern science is that its new theories contain the old ones as their particular cases. In this respect, one can speak of "modern" science only since 17th century discoveries of Galileo, Kepler and Descartes. Yet, one can find certain traits of the modern scientific mode of thinking as early as in 14th century; they include interest in the practical use of science, introduction of experiment and mathematical method. Late medieval science was powerfully influenced by the doctrines (...)
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    Trash Talking as Irrelevant to Athletic Excellence: Response to Summers.Nicholas Dixon - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 35 (1):90-96.
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    Toward Integrative Dynamic Models for Adaptive Perspective Taking.Nicholas Duran, Rick Dale & Alexia Galati - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4):761-779.
    In a matter of mere milliseconds, conversational partners can transform their expectations about the world in a way that accords with another person's perspective. At the same time, in similar situations, the exact opposite also appears to be true. Rather than being at odds, these findings suggest that there are multiple contextual and processing constraints that may guide when and how people consider perspective. These constraints are shaped by a host of factors, including the availability of social and environmental cues, (...)
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